Cruising Miss Norma
St. Petersburg was wonderful to us, and after splurging on movie watching and trips to the grocery store, it was time to get back on the move. Despite being so far north of the boat, we got lucky and managed to hitchhike with fellow cruisers to get back to Elpis.
Conveniently, our dear friends Tim and Ramie on the tug Miss Norma happened to be right in the area. Putting our logistical skills to the test, we made a plan to ride with them across Tampa Bay to visit our friends Joe and Julie, whom we had met in Illinois. We would be easing back into boat life in style.
After saying goodbye to Champ, Nina, and Loren, we joined Tim and Ramie and got ready for the crossing. We got to walk Ringo (a dream come true, best poodle ever), and then we set out along the ICW. Emily and I were excited beyond belief, absorbing every detail of how cool it was to get to cruise with some of the best people on one of our favorite boats. We reveled at the miracle of bow thrusters, our blinding speed through the water, and the wild difference of traveling indoors (“It’s so warm and I’m not even wearing a jacket!”). They even let me drive! Emily, who loves to sleep, took a nap. We were honored to join the crew, and it’s safe to say it was a highlight of our trip.
Arriving in Bradenton, the six of us had a great reunion. The last time we had all been together was near Peoria, Illinois almost three months prior, enjoying the legendary taco night. Marveling at how serendipitous it was that life brought us all back together again, we had a wonderful time catching up, sharing our new and old adventures, and enjoying a delicious mahi dinner. Joe and Julie had already completed their Great Loop, so it was bittersweet to spend time with them knowing that they wouldn’t be headed north with us. That is one of the more difficult aspects of cruising: constantly meeting and building relationships with the most amazingly wonderful people, and then having to so quickly part ways. We will never forget Joe and Julie and all the friends we’ve made along the way.
After concluding the evening with hugs and a raffle for charts, Emily and I slept on Joe and Julie’s beautiful sailboat. Gently rocked to sleep, we realized how much we missed Elpis and being on the water. Our gracious hosts drove us to the boat the next morning, and happy to be home, we set off for our next adventure.
P.S. Shameless plug, everyone should go pick up a copy of "Driving Miss Norma." It is an incredible story!
They actually let me drive!!

"You are who you are." -Ramie to Emily