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Our Recent Posts


Forks, Fog, and Friends
Elpis' arrival at Cayo Costa was like being on an episode of Storm Chasers, except the storm was fog and it was chasing us. An ominous...

Cruising Miss Norma
St. Petersburg was wonderful to us, and after splurging on movie watching and trips to the grocery store, it was time to get back on the...

Happy New Year! We are currently in Florida and are no longer freezing. We're taking a short vacation from the boat to sleep in real...

Reflection and Refrigeration: A Land Break
While Grace and her family sailed around the ICW on Elpis, I spent two beautiful weeks in St. Pete finishing up grad school applications,...

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
After way too much fun sailing overnight to get to southern Florida, my dad and sister Lynn were able to come and visit for a week! With...

The Holidays
A lot has happened since my last blog post. Grace wrote about ten blog posts. I acquired wifi and spent two weeks watching Black Mirror...

Another Night, Another Gulf Passage
Although Grace and I swore we were done with overnights after our passage from Carrabelle to Cedar Key, we somehow found ourselves doing...

Cedar Key
Cedar Key: isolated, quiet, infrequently traveled, and a wonderful unique community. We were told not to miss this town, and I’m glad we...

Fog Land
The gulf coast ICW runs all the way from Texas to the Fort Meyers area, except from Carrabelle to Tarpon Springs. Nicknamed (by me) the...

Exploring the Panhandle
Now unleashed on the ICW with no particular plans and a plethora of travel options, we looked forward to exploring. We spent some time...
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